There is a better way to help people with Autism.
C+C is dedicated to reaching families, globally, by launching businesses that support meaningful growth for people in the autism community.
Connect & Curate is a parent company dedicated to building meaningful outcomes for people with autism by launching businesses
that meet a need in the autism community.
Our brands:
Autism Clarified
Online Content & Consultation
First things first. Connection equals growth. The online resources and content found in Autism Clarified will empower you to find a better way forward for you and your child. Webinars, courses, and support groups provide a community of support for parents, teachers, therapists, churches, and organizations.
Illuminate Academy
Our Academy, K-12 Instruction
A quality, engaging, and comprehensive educational organization for children with Autism in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve learners, as an alternative to a public or private school, Monday-Thursday following a traditional academic year calendar. Our incredible staff teaches foundational social-emotional skills through dynamic instructional lessons where relationships always come first.
Shine On
Adult & Adolescent Programming
Welcome to Shine On, a program dedicated to creating meaningful and functional opportunities for all. Focusing on supporting adolescents and adults with disabilities, we provide daytime services, Monday-Thursday in Nashville, Tennessee. We believe that through a person-centered approach we can create opportunities that change lives.
You have amazing dreams for your child, and you are committed to their growth, but you’re feeling stuck or confused. You wonder if your child is making progress that matters; progress that will keep them moving forward to reach their full potential. You know in your heart that more is possible, but the path you’re on right now doesn’t seem to be getting you there.
Guess what? You’re right. That gut instinct you have that there’s a better way? It’s true.
So, what happens next? Where do you go from here? We at Connect & Curate understand this frustration and are here to help. We’ve supported countless families as they move from feeling overwhelmed to feeling hopeful. Now join us. The other things you tried didn’t get you far enough. We have the tools for change, for growth, and for hope.